The first book that we read was Zoe Hall's The surprise garden. In this story some children are given seeds and plant them without knowing what they are. They look at how the seeds are different from each other and then plant them in the ground, marking them to know where they are. Then, they tend their garden and wait for the seeds to pop up. This book has nice, bold and colorful illustrations and is great for a discussion about gardening.

The last story we did was the pop-up flannel board that I created. You can read more about how I made it here.
The rhyme that went with the board goes:
One little seed planted in the ground,
Give it lots of sun, and water all around.
Now we have to wait and see,
For a sprout to pop up,
What will it be?
Give it lots of sun, and water all around.
Now we have to wait and see,
For a sprout to pop up,
What will it be?
Then the kids told me what popped up from the seed. They really liked this one. At the end the worm popped up so we talked about how worms do not grow from seeds but not all seeds grow into a plant. We also talked about how worms help the plants to grow.
We sang the song See the sun by The Learning Groove. We talked about how gardens need the sun to grow. This song had us walking, skipping, and flying in the sunshine.
Laurie Berkner's Fruit salad salsa fit well into the theme. We got out the shakers for this song and salsa'd around with the fruit.
Another fun fruit song is Carole Peterson's B-bananas. This is a fun chant where the kids are bananas, they peel bananas, eat bananas, and go bananas. Of course it is so much fun that then you do it again!
Our craft for the week was a parts of the flower craft. I found the idea on Pinterest, and you can see the pin here. I think it is from the blog Mrs. Mayas' Kindergarten, but someone only pinned the main website and I had trouble locating the post.