Our letter of the day was B, I tried to get fancy with my letter of the day and it has a brown paper texture like the paper that sometimes comes in boxes. The kids got the letter right away and we discussed some words starting with the letter B. Now that they know the drill the like to jump ahead of me and yell out the next picture, I may have to change how I present it.
We had a fun discussion about boxes. I asked them if a they had boxes at home or if they ever had one delivered to their house. This led to all kinds of stories about what they have at home in boxes and they were very detailed about if they boxes were big or small.
Our discussion led very well into our first story. We read Special delivery by Brigitte Weninger. In this story a box is delivered to a child's house and it has a new vacuum for his mother. A little while later mother discovers another package at the door. This one is painted and addressed to 'mother.' She makes a few guesses at what might be in the box and when she can take the suspense no more she opens it up for a fun surprise. The kids enjoyed this one. They kept trying to guess what was in the box, but none of them were close. They did like the surprise at the end too.
After reading Special Delivery we danced around to the Hokey pokey from the Songs for wiggleworms album. They had fun with this, it is the traditional song with an upbeat track.

We followed Sitting in my box with Carole Peterson's Ring those bells. Each of the kids got bells and rang them to the song as well spun around, touched our toes, jumped up high, etc. They do repeat the phrase 'for winter time is here.' We waved the bells in the air for that part.
I decided to squeeze in the book Dear zoo by Rod Campbell here. I had another prop story to use, but we were doing good on timing and the kids were sitting well, so I threw it in. In this classic book the narrator writes to the zoo looking for a pet. The zoo sends various animals (in boxes or crates) but most are not suitable pets. Each crate lifts up to reveal an animal such as a lion, elephant, giraffe, snake etc. I let the kids name the animal and then asked them if they wanted it for pet and why it might not make a good pet (though one little girl was very insistent that a camel would make a great pet). I have also done this one as a flannel board.
Next we danced to Dance, freeze, melt by the Learning Groove. This is a fun one where they obviously dance, then freeze, then melt to the floor. Each action is done to a count of 8, so you can count along as you go. In subsequent verses the dance action is replaced with twirling, jumping, and running (in place).

We put out materials for kids to make a 'Box Monster' or to just decorate a box if they wanted. We had pictures of Box Monsters from Pinterest if they needed a guide. We collected several tissue boxes and for decoration just pulled out anything from the craft cabinet that might be fun to use. There were feathers, pipe cleaners, foam stickers, construction paper, sticky felt, and a few other random things to use.
For play time we put out lots of boxes for them to stack or play with. My co-worker cut a few that could be used as tunnels, houses, etc. The kids used them more for putting things in. I was expecting tall towers and buildings but they enjoyed hiding the toys in the boxes instead.
As an activity sheet I made up a 'Not a box' coloring page. This was really easy as you can see below :) The idea is that they will draw something incorporating the box. Or, as one girl did, just write box all over it. She was practicing writing, so that is fine with me!